KyLynn Hull is a stay-at-home mom and dabbles in many things including writing, urban farming and raising backyard chickens. She writes regularly for garden and food blog, Green City Garden Girl – Bound by the Seasons
Yellow Split Pea Soup
Similar to the green pea version, I like the yellow pea soup variety because it tastes slightly lighter and maybe a bit sweeter. Yellow split pea soup makes a great vegetarian option, but you can add ham if it suits your tastes. This is by far the cheapest soup I make, yet it is so tasty and low fat that it’s shocking.
Yellow split pea soup is a lighter, sweeter version of traditional green pea soup. Photo By Andrew D. Miller/Courtesy Flickr.
1 pound yellow split peas
1 onion, diced
3 garlic cloves, minced
Salt & pepper
I kid you not, this is it. Let the peas soak overnight, then place everything in soup pan or slow cooker and cover with water to about one inch from the top of the peas. Season to taste. Cook on low heat all day until peas thicken and, wha-la, you have a tasty, hearty, healthy, low fat and very inexpensive soup.
Discover more inexpensive recipes for homemade soups by reading the original blog, “Green City Garden Girl: Soup Season: Why I Love Soup!”