For Your Health: 4 Superfoods for Women

Reader Contribution by Samantha Collins
Published on February 18, 2011
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Health magazine’s panel of panels recently came up with the top 10 healthy superfoods for women. Laurie Herr from Health magazine discusses the foods that range from sweet fruits to hardy, heart-friendly nuts. I listed the top 4 and matched them with great, tasty recipes from The Herb Companion magazine to help you weave these healthful foods into your everyday meals.

Wild Alaskan Salmon is a great source of omega-3 fatty acids, including DHA, which is important for pregnant women. The omega-3 fatty acids may also help fight depression and certain cancers. Try out these recipes with fresh salmon.

Salmon Lemon Sage
• Salmon with Fresh Cilantro and Sparkling Wine 

Salmon is a great way to weave healthy fatty acids into your diet.
Photo by gkdavie/ Courtesy 

Broccoli may help prevent breast cancer by helping your body reduce excess amounts of estrogen. Plus, at only 30 calories per serving, it can help fill you up without feeling guilty! Add extra broccoli to these vegetable-stuffed meals.

Garlic Stir Fry
• Chinese Vegetables 

Avocados are full of monounsaturated fatty acids that can actually help you lose extra fat around your stomach! They are packed with various vitamins such as potassium, magnesium and proteins. Avocados don’t always have to make guacamole.

Avocado Soup
• Dill Avocados Filled with Prawns 

Dark Chocolate is a woman’s best friend. Not only is it delicious, studies show that it can help hydrate skin, lower your blood pressure and possibly help you concentrate better. Satisfy your sweet tooth with these chocolate desserts

Mint Dark Chocolate Truffle
• Dark Chocolate Truffles with Orange Mint 

Now it’s up to you to start eating to turn yourself into a superwoman. What other ways do you incorporate these foods into your diet?

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