Grow Your Own Sprouts

By Natural Home Staff
Published on January 1, 2000
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Imagine a vegetable that you can grow right in your own kitchen without soil or fancy equipment–a vegetable so chock full of vitamins that its nutritional value outdistances anything you could buy in the store. Imagine a food that will be loved by your entire family, that can be eaten raw or cooked, that is easy to cultivate no matter your geography. You’ve just found the sprout. A few well-tended alfalfa seeds grow as well in a farmhouse in Iowa as they do in a condo in the middle of Manhattan. If you buy sprouts and sprout seeds from places that test regularly for the growth of bacteria, you can be assured of their safety.

People have been eating sprouts for over 5,000 years. In 2939 B.C., the emperor of China wrote about the sprout and the many ways it could be used. Eating sprouts was a well-established part of the diet of the ancient Hebrews. At the court of Nebuchadnezzar, Daniel asked for a diet of pulses &#151 sprouted legumes and grains. Through the ages, humans have asked for the high-energy food and they’ve found it in radish and clover, barley and buckwheat, chia and fenugreek sprouts.

Check out the January/February 2000 issue of Natural Home for more on sprouts, including:

  • The easiest, most inexpensive way to grow sprouts at home
  • Tasty recipes for Sunflower Salad, Sprouts Foo Young, and Sprouted Wheat Bread
  • Sources for organic seeds
  • Nutritional benefits of your favorite sprouts
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