Happy (Meatless) Trails: Travel Agent Finds Vegetarian Options

By Kelli Rosen
Published on July 1, 2002
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When Donna Zeigfinger of Cabin John, Maryland, turned vegan nineteen years ago, she had no idea she’d eventually play a vital role in transforming many people’s travel experiences. A travel agent by trade–and an avid traveler herself–Zeigfinger quickly became frustrated by the lack of dietary options available on the road. Instead of indulging in local cuisine while venturing abroad, she often found herself feeling deprived. “I’d go on vacation, and I’d lose weight,” says Zeigfinger.

In 1991, while working at a conventional travel agency, Zeigfinger began specializing in vegetarian travel. By 1997, her clientele had grown so much that she started Green Earth Travel, devoted entirely to vegetarians. To be recommended by Zeigfinger, a destination must serve up tasty vegetarian dishes, though she prefers vegan options. She’s also found that vegetarian-friendly destinations tend to overlap with organic and eco-conscious ideals.

Zeigfinger speaks personally with hotels and restaurants about their menus. She’s also willing, for a small fee, to research restaurants for those who have already booked their itineraries.

For more information about vegetarian travel, contact Donna Zeigfinger at Green Earth Travel by calling (888) 246-8343. Or log on to her website where you’ll find group trip itineraries, weekly live chats, and a monthly newsletter.

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