If you’re among the trepidatious many who have regarded canning food at home as a time-consuming, mysterious or difficult hobby, think again. Canning your own food with the boiling water-bath method is simple, safe and fun, and it doesn’t require a huge time investment (learn more by reading the article “Home Canning: How to Can Using the Boiling Water Bath Method“). Most importantly: Home-preserved foods are much better than anything you could find on a store shelf, ever. The following recipes will help ease you into the exciting world of fabulous flavor and significant grocery savings achievable through basic food preservation.
Canning Recipes
Handy-Dandy Canning Gizmos
Corn Zipper
This stainless steel gadget makes quick, clean work of preserving corn. $16
Lid Wand
This simple wand allows you to lift sterilized canning lids out of simmering water safely. $1 to $2; available at hardware stores and pressurecooker-outlet.com
These easy, delicious recipes have been excerpted from Sherri Brooks Vinton’s wonderfully upbeat cookbook Put ’em Up!, a fun and engaging guide to home preservation.