Many cultures garnish simply prepared foods with a variety of fresh minced herbs and vegetables, which can significantly enhance digestion and stimulate cleansing action. Try placing a spoonful of these cleansing combinations on top of soups, stews, grains, beans, vegetables, and fish. Saucy ones are also excellent alone on bread instead of oil or butter or used as a sandwich spread instead of mayonnaise.
Parsley and garlic: parsley and a clove of garlic, finely minced in a food processor.
Mirepoix: a classic French combination of finely chopped carrot, celery, and onion with fresh thyme, olive oil, and lemon zest (good raw or cooked but skip the traditional step of sautéing it in butter).
Roasted red pepper: chop, julienne, or puree with a little broth and cayenne.
Chopped cabbage: add to salads or shred finely, and use as a bedding for hot or cold foods.
Minced herbs: chives, mint, lemon balm, French tarragon, and many more; use them as a raw garnish or try mixing them with nonfat yogurt and/or a dab of mustard.
Debbie Whittaker, a frequent contributor to Herbs for Health, demonstrates her healthy cooking style as the “Herb Gourmet” in Denver, Colorado.
Click here to read the original article, Everyday Cleansing Recipes.