Soup is the ultimate winter comfort food, warming to both body and soul. It’s even better when it’s made from scratch using wholesome ingredients, brimming with nutrients.
Hearty Winter Soup Recipes
Cooking Extra: Learn how to make vegetable stock.
Just as herbal teas extract medicinal properties from herbs, a good soup stock holds nutrients extracted from vegetables. While simmering, the vegetables impart flavor to the broth and offer up their valuable nutrients to the liquid. Homemade stock is the perfect vehicle for sneaking some highly nutritional foods into your family’s diet. Beyond the typical, everyday vegetables, several more exotic additions to your stock pot will boost nutrition even more. Try adding the Chinese herbs astragalus and codonopsis, seaweeds such as kombu and dulse, dried nettles or nutritional yeast. All are available at your local health-food store.
Tanya Carwyn lives in the mountains of western North Carolina. For more great recipes, check out her website at