Bitters: Rupert’s Rum Punch

By Arthur O. Tucker, Ph.D. and And Susan Belsinger
Published on April 9, 2009

<p>When I visited Jamaica many years ago, I stayed at a memorable place called Scotch on the Rocks. The house came with a cook named Wilby, and her husband, Rupert, took care of the garden and made a batch of this rum punch every day. While teaching me how to prepare this libation, he told me this is a medicinal drink and that using the bitters would prevent a hangover. So far it has worked.</p>
<p>Using Wray & Nephew 126 Overproof Rum gives this drink a special flavor. It is unlike any rum I have ever tasted, and it’s worthwhile to seek it out — I ask my local liquor store to order it for me. You can substitute any other overproof rum or a good-quality dark rum. At first taste, the bitters seem heavy, but the flavors will mellow on the palate after a few sips; if you are new to bitters, perhaps you should use about half the amount called for. You always can add a few more drops. Fresh fruit gives the best flavor, but you also can use orange juice and limeade made from frozen concentrate.</p>
<li>2½ cups fresh-squeezed orange juice</li>
<li>2½ cups fresh limeade</li>
<li>1¼ cups overproof rum</li>
</sup>cup Grenadine</li>
<li>20 to 24 shakes Angostura bitters</li>
<li>6 to 8 halved lime slices</li>
<li>Ice cubes</li>
<li>Soda water, optional</li>
<li>In a large pitcher, combine orange juice, limeade, rum and Grenadine and stir well. Shake in the lesser amount of bitters, stir well and taste.</li>
<li>Add the rest of the bitters, if desired. Refrigerate the punch until ready to serve. It can be made in the morning and refrigerated all day.</li>
<li>Fill pretty glasses with ice, pour the rum punch over the ice and garnish the glass with a slice of lime.Add a splash of soda water to each glass, if desired, and stir. Serve immediately and think of the sun setting over the Caribbean.</li>
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<em>Art Tucker, Ph.D., botanist at Delaware State University, is  the co-author of</em> The Big Book of Herbs <em>(Interweave, 2000). Susan Belsinger is a culinary herbalist, food writer and photographer who has co-authored several cookbooks and writes for many national magazines.<br />
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Click here for the original article,<a title=” Bitters: Beverages with Moxie” href=””> Bitters: Beverages with Moxie</a>.</p>

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