<em>Serves 8<br />
<br />
This sorbet is a combination of fruit puree and herbal syrup. Rose geranium has a particular affinity with strawberries and seems to intensify their flavor.</p>
<p>• ¾ cup sugar<br />
• ¾ cup water<br />
• 8 medium-sized rose geranium leaves<br />
• 4 cups ripe strawberries, hulled and washed<br />
• 1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice</p>
<p>1. Bring sugar and water to a boil in a small saucepan.<br />
<br />
2. Drop in rose geranium leaves, cover pan and remove it from heat. After 15 minutes, strain syrup, pushing down on leaves to extract flavor.<br />
<br />
3. Puree strawberries with syrup and lemon juice in blender or food processor. Freeze in ice cream maker until slushy-firm. Scoop into storage container and freeze until firm enough to scoop.</p>
<hr />
<em>Jerry Traunfeld, author of</em> The Herbal Kitchen <em>(William Morrow, 2005), received the James Beard Award for Best American Chef of the Northwest in 2000.</em>
<p>Click here for the original article, <a href=”https://www.motherearthliving.com/cooking-methods/5-easy-delicious-sorbet-recipes.aspx”>
<strong>5 Easy, Delicious Sorbet Recipes</strong>
5 Easy, Delicious Sorbet Recipes: Strawberry-Rose Geranium Sorbet

Photo by Howard Lee Puckett
For an amazing summer dessert, the intense strawberry flavor of Strawberry-Rose Geranium Sorbet doesn't disappoint.
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