CBD-Infused Lavender Hot Chocolate Recipe

Reader Contribution by Tammy Taylor
Published on September 20, 2019
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Lavender hot chocolate, dark or light, always brings the best. In addition to offering a unique aroma and experience, lavender hot chocolate combines the benefits of both lavender and chocolate. Now imagine making a hot cup of CBD-infused hot chocolate! Studies show CBD has great promise in various areas that include treating chronic pain, cancer symptoms, mental conditions, skin and cardiovascular conditions, muscle stress, and seizures, among others. It, in addition to the health and nutritional benefits of lavender and chocolate, makes CBD-infused lavender hot chocolate one of the most nutritious, healthy chocolate beverages you can make.

Photo by Kobby Mendez on Unsplash

CBD-Infused Lavender Hot Chocolate


  • Milk*
  • Dry culinary lavender
  • Cocoa powder (unsweetened)
  • Maple syrup
  • Vanilla extracts
  • CBD oil

*Note: If you want to keep it plant-based, unsweetened almond and hemp milk are great for a start. You can also use coconut milk, although it comes with its unique, delicious flavor

Method for 1 cup of CBD-infused lavender hot chocolate

  1. Bring 1 cup of milk to boil using a small pot.
  2. Add one tablespoon lavender and cover the pot. Let it infuse for up to 10 minutes.
  3. After infusion (steeping), strain the content into a big mug. You can use a tea strainer or any other fine strainer.
  4. Add two tablespoons cocoa powder.
  5. Blend in the other ingredients (syrup, vanilla extracts).
  6. Add a drop of neutral-flavor CBD oil.
  7. Stir and pour into a cup. You can also add a pinch of sea salt if you wish.

There is no one way to make your CBD-infused hot chocolate. As with most homemade culinary products, you can mix a couple of ingredients that work toward the same effect. The idea is to stick to plant options and ingredients, but you can expand your options to suit your tastes and preferences.

Photo by Caleb Simpson on Unsplash

Why CBD-Infused Lavender Hot Chocolate?

According to studies, both CBD and THC can help relieve various kinds of pain. Thanks to the discovery of the human endocannabinoid system (ECS), CBD oil can target specific reactions that help soothe joint pain, muscle soreness, back pain, and post-surgery pain. Research indicates that CBD oil can help relieve neuropathic pain and post-chemotherapy pain.

Cannabinoids in CBD oil interact with CB1 and CB2 receptors to influence various body functions such as pain reception, mood, appetite, and homeostasis. It is an ideal addition to your diet if you are dealing with body pain, mental stress, depression, anxiety, loss of appetite, and insomnia.

Additional studies point out that CBD oil can treat psychotic symptoms in schizophrenia patients. Lab rat studies also suggest that it can reduce swelling and inflammation that stems from autoimmune conditions and diseases like cancer. Besides, CBD oil has several other benefits currently under examination.

Some studies link CBD oil with improved cardiovascular health. It improves blood circulation, metabolism, immune function, sleep, and recovery. CBD also has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. It soothes your muscles and acts as a nerve tonic.

Tips for Making the Best CBD-Infused Hot Chocolate

  • Choose high-quality CBD products. Review the label to ensure your CBD oil meets the best cultivation and production standards.
  • Buy lavender and chocolate products from credible, reputable brands and sources.
  • Pay close attention to the CBD oil formula, potency, dose recommendation and suggested medical benefits.
  • Use correct measurements.
  • Try out different variations and recipes to get the best beverage.

Many studies have suggested that it can help treat various medical and mental health conditions. The discovery of CBD is recent but the use of cannabis, which contains both CBD and THC, is centuries old. Unlike THC, CBD has no psychoactive properties and therefore, does not give you a “high.” Since most CBD oil and products are free of flavor, the natural hemp flavor takes effect. Making a hot beverage is one of the new ways you can take advantage of the medical benefits of CBD without having to taste it.

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