I recently stumbled upon this great gardening tip, courtesy ReadyMade. Improvise seed trays by planting seedlings in a citrus peel. Because citrus is a renewable resource, this project is an environmentally fun way to plant herbs. Click here to see a picture of this finished project.
Here is how to do it yourself:
1. Pick a citrus fruit. ReadyMade suggests grapefruit, lemons, tangerines or oranges. If you choose lemon make sure to cut the pointy-nub off the ends so that the peels sit upright. Tangerines may be the easiest to use because it’s simple to separate the fruit from the peel.
2. Take the fruit out in sections or “juice the fruit until the remaining membranes lay flat against the white pith interior of the peel.” Try using a handheld reamer or any tool you would use to juice citrus.
3. Choose your seedling. ReadyMade suggests mint, tomatoes, okra or strawberries.
Trying planting seedlings in a tangerine. It’s said to be the easiest fruit to use.
Photo by OnkelWart/Courtsey of Flickr
For the two remaining instructions read Reader Tip: You Should Plant Seedlings in a Citrus Peel. This idea originally comes from My Roman Apartment. Let me know how it works. Did you try it at home?