Furry Families: Facts About Pet Owners

By The Mother Earth Living Staff
Published on November 1, 2003
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Photo By Mother Earth Living staff
These facts about pet owners may surprise you.

Learn these fascinating facts about pet owners.

More often than not, cats and dogs become members of the family—and for good reason. Pets provide companionship and encourage exercise, and humans stay healthier when they give and receive ­unconditional love from a four-footed friend.

Facts About Pet Owners

68 million
Number of dogs living in American homes

73 million
Number of cats living in American homes

4 million
Dogs and cats adopted annually from animal shelters (Humane Society)

Pet owners who talk to their pets as if they’re human (CSU-Hayward/Univ. of Pennsylvania study)

Pet owners who would choose their pet over a human for companionship if stranded on a deserted isle (American Animal Hospital Association)

Pet owners who survive serious heart attacks

Patients without pets who survive serious heart attacks (U.S. Department of Health)

Pet owners who are allergic to their pets

Allergic pet owners who refuse to give up their pets for relief (SpotlightHealth.com)

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