Lemon Mint Detox Bath

By Staff
Updated on December 17, 2017
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It is the week before Christmas if you are anything like me you may be feeling the stress of finding last minute gifts.  One of the things that I like to make ahead of time and have on hand for a quick but meaningful gift to give are jars of herb-enhanced detox bath mixes. They are super easy to make, smell delicious and bring a smile to just about everyone. Each jar holds not just the ingredients for the detox bath, but an experience, a wish from you to the recipient that they take a moment to breathe and pamper themselves for just a bit. 

Each year, I make a different version of these handy jars of goodness. I like to use herbs that I have picked from my garden and dried. Last year, I used rosemary. It was a great year for rosemary and I had a lot on hand. This year, my rosemary was not as prolific, but I had a bumper crop of mint. You can use whatever you have on hand or you can use store-bought herbs. When using store-bought herbs, I suggest going for organic varieties. Your skin is the largest organ your body has and it will absorb all the good and the bad that you subject it to.

Herbs are great on their own, but I also love to add citrus to my mixes. Citrus makes a refreshing scent when combined with herbs in a nice hot bath. Dried and crushed lemon peel adds a pleasant fragrance that has been known to uplift the spirit. In the midst of short winter days and long cold nights, this burst of sunshine that lemon brings to the bath is a welcome reminder longer days to come.

I hope with each jar, my friends and family enjoy not just a soothing detoxifying bath, but a mindful moment. This gift may seem small, but the experience is what I am going for when giving a jar of this mix. Each jar holds a  wish that your friend, coworker, family member… even yourself, takes just a moment to relax and let the warm water, Epsom salt, and herbal scents relax their muscles, draw out toxins and carry away a stressful day’s worries. We all deserve a bit of pampering this time of year and should not feel guilty about taking time for a little self-care. It is good for not just the body, but the mind and soul as well.

Lemon Mint Detox Bath Soak…

What you will need:
Decorative glass jars

  • 4 Cups of Epsom Salt
  • 2 Cups of Baking Soda
  • 2 Tablespoons of Dried, Crushed, Mint Leaves
  • 2 Tablespoons of Dried, Crushed, Lemon Peel


Combine all the ingredients in a bowl. Mix well then pour into your jars. I chose jars that would hold 1 cup of the herbal Epsom salt mixture. This is enough to add to a standard tub for soaking. You can add directions on a gift tag. Just attach to your jar and give a quick explanation of what is in the jar and a wish for a relaxing moment.

*Statements herein have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration, and are not intended to treat or diagnose any disease or health condition. It is also recommended that patients check with their doctors before taking herbs, to ensure that there are no contraindications with prescription medications.”

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