Body & Soul: Lavender Healing Oil

By Janice Cox
Published on September 19, 2011
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An essential-oil delivery system, these basic oils are also great for your skin.

Every home should have lavender essential oil. It treats small cuts, scrapes and insect bites, and is a natural antibiotic and antiseptic. 

• 5 drops lavender essential oil
• 2 drops tea tree oil
• 1/4 cup light oil (jojoba, castor or sunflower)

1. Mix together essential oils and vegetable oil.

2. Pour into a clean container.

3. To use: Clean the area with warm water and rinse well. Put a small amount of oil onto a clean cotton pad and place over the wound. Change twice a day. Expose to air at night. 

Janice Cox is the co-author, with her daughter Lauren Cox, of EcoBeauty (Ten Speed Press, 2009). To buy, visit

Click here for the main article, Body & Soul: Carrier Oils 101.

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