Best for the Kitchen: Five Eco-Friendly Kitchen Appliances

By Anastasia White Wolf
Published on September 1, 2003
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GE Energy Star-labeled refrigerator
GE Energy Star-labeled refrigerator
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Equator 72 series dishwaasher
Equator 72 series dishwaasher
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GE ProfileAdvantium 120 combination electric oven
GE ProfileAdvantium 120 combination electric oven
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ASKO dishwasher
ASKO dishwasher
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Real Goods' Bokashi Recycling System
Real Goods' Bokashi Recycling System
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H3Environmental 2PureH20 undercounter water filter
H3Environmental 2PureH20 undercounter water filter
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H3Environmental 2PureH20 undercounter water filter
H3Environmental 2PureH20 undercounter water filter

2. GE Energy Star-labeled refrigerators exceed government energy efficiency standards by at least 10 percent. The Profile Custom Style fridges have a carbon-block water filter in the water and ice-maker dispensers. From $1,079 to $3,199, depending on freezer location. (800) 626-2000

3. Water-saving ASKO dishwashers have a 3.9-gallon “Quick Wash” cycle, or a 4.6-gallon normal cycle, and nearly 80 percent of the materials used in manufacture are recyclable. They’re also Energy Star rated. $760 to $1,499. (800) 898-1879. Equator 72 series full-size stainless steel dishwashers feature a 4.5-gallon wash cycle, which saves detergent, water, sewage, and energy. $699 to $749. (713) 464-3422

4. The “triple purifier” reverse osmosis system of the 2PureH2O undercounter water filter from H3Environmental removes more than 99 percent of pollutants and all dissolved solids in water. $1,600, uninstalled. (818) 766-1787

5. GE’s ProfileAdvantium 120 is a combination electric oven, which uses halogen lights to cook four times as fast as conventional ovens. It has four cooking modes: microwave, Speedcook, bake, and warming. $1,799 to $1,999. (800) 626-2000.

Fridge facts

• Look for Energy Star-recommended brands or check the American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy’s website.

• Replacing a ten-year-old refrigerator bought in 1990 with a new Energy Star-qualified model would save enough energy to light the average household for three months and prevent more than 300 pounds of pollution each year, according to Energy Star.

• To minimize outgassing, choose models that have the least amount of plastic or rubber; opt for glass shelves and stainless steel.

• Your refrigerator uses the most electricity of all your kitchen appliances. It can account for as much as 15 percent of a home’s total energy usage, according to the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power.

• Top- or bottom- freezer models are more efficient–they use 7 to 13 percent less energy than side-by-side models.

• Automatic ice makers and through-the-door dispensers increase energy use by 14 to 20 percent.

• Models with an anti-sweat heater consume 5 to 10 percent more energy. Look for a model with an “energy saver” switch that allows you to turn off or turn down the heating coils that prevent condensation.

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