Richters Herbs: Fragrant Tea Blend

By Mary Fran Mcquade
Published on January 6, 2010
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An exhibitor’s table of herb goodies in the greenhouse is irresistable to this Annual Herb Fair visitor.

<em>Makes 1 1/4 cups, enough for about 20 cups of tea</em>
<p>Good hot or cold, Avery of Richters Herbs suggests that fresh is best, but dried herbs can be used as well to enjoy this tea in full.</p>
<p>• 1/4 cup chopped fennel leaves and stalks<br />
• 1/4 cup lemon verbena leaves<br />
• 1/4 cup rose geranium leaves and flowers<br />
• 1/2 cup peppermint leaves (try new ‘Margarita Mint’)</p>
<p>1. Steep 1 tablespoon of fresh herbs (or 1 teaspoon of dry) per cup of boiled water, in a tea ball or pot with a strainer, for 6 to 8 minutes, then strain.</p>
<p>2. Sweeten the tea with honey or stevia, if desired. Garnish iced tea with borage-flower ice cubes.</p>
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<em>Mary Fran McQuade is a freelance writer who lives and gardens in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. She has a special interest in herbs and city gardens.</em>
<p>Click here for the main article, <a href=””>
<strong>Company Profile: Richters Herbs</strong>

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