Protein-Power Pearl Quinoa Recipe

Reader Contribution by Shar Veda
Published on February 24, 2016
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Alter Eco was kind enough to send me four kinds of heirloom quinoa: black, pearl, rainbow, and red! For this recipe I used the pearl quinoa, and paired it with seasoned, sautéed leeks, raisins, chickpeas, along with a tasty side dish of steam-sautéed garlic broccoli.

Alter Eco’s Heirloom Pearl Quinoa provides 6 grams of protein per 1/4 cup and 2 grams of fiber, plus lots of good-for-you minerals, like manganese, copper, folate and zinc. 1 cup of this quinoa is plenty to eat so you don’t need to worry about not getting enough protein with this meal! Quinoa offers light, long-lasting positive energy, is kid-friendly, and easy to prepare.

Protein-Power Pearl Quinoa Recipe


• 1 cup Alter Eco Pearl Heirloom Quinoa
• 1-3/4 to 2 cups water
• 1/2 cup raisins
• 2 leeks washed, halved and sliced
• 1/2 cup cooked Eden Food chickpeas
• Olive oil and spices to taste


1. Cook quinoa as directed adding 1/2 cup more water to boil down so the raisins plump. Add olive oil, spices, raisins and precooked chickpeas.

3. Sauté leeks in your favorite cooking oil. Add sea salt and pepper. Add leeks to the cooked quinoa. Stir and serve with veggie sides of your choice.

Shar Veda, Southern Oregon’s Premier Alternative Therapist, offers deep healing through loving touch and compassionate counsel. She is an Ayurveda Lifestyle Counselor & Health Educator, yoga therapist and herbalist. Shar has been blessed to study with leading teachers in Ayurveda, Yoga, and herbalism for 20 years. However, it was her adopted grandma, Doe (English-American and Blackfoot Native), who instilled within her profound appreciation for the supreme power of loving touch, healing arts, and world family. 
Visit her website for a video, full bio, and photos or find her on Facebook!

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