Photo Courtesy JumpSport
Yoga is an ancient, versatile exercise that can range from being deeply meditative to an intense workout. Trampoline Yoga falls into a happy place, somewhere in the middle of all the variations. After speaking with William Hedberg, contemporary dancer, California Institute for the Arts movement educator and founder of New York’s Shen Tao Studio, I began to understand that Trampoline Yoga is blossoming into a full blown trend for good reason.
If you are considering switching up your routine, I present you with five solid reasons to give Trampoline Yoga a go, courtesy of Mr. Hedberg.
Beginner Friendly
You don’t need yoga experience to start out. Hedberg notes that for one of his classes, you only need a sense of humor. “Pay attention to your weight,” he adds. Starting out is all about finding balance between gravity and levity, as well as exploring your curiosity.
Not only is the exercise beginner friendly, but it is great for all ages. “My mom just had a hip replacement; it’s been helpful for her. It has a massage quality,” says Hedberg.
The Challenge is Adjustable
Being just as versatile as basic yoga; you can add or take away things to make it more, or less, difficult. “It has its own unique challenges; it’s an hour of paying attention to that perfect bounce,” Hedberg explains. Poses range in difficulty and, of course, often consist of bouncing.
Photo Courtesy JumpSport
It’s Easy on the Joints
Yoga, in general, is not only easier on joints, but it nourishes and revitalizes them. Hedberg elaborates, since the trampoline is much softer than the ground, ligaments are massaged rather than strained. Muscles have an “elastic feeling” during a session, and are being trained to be springy. Hedberg referenced the experience to putting a literal spring back into your step.
Nourishes the Mind and Body
Yoga’s meditative qualities enhance our self-awareness, and when you throw a trampoline into the mix, you add in another mental concentration component. You are concentrating harder on the balance, now that bouncing is involved. Hedberg says that this level of concentration takes our minds away from relationships, money and other worldly problems. It’s an escape.
“There are moments when your heart gets going faster,” Hedberg adds of the cardio benefitting qualities Trampoline Yoga can have. “It just feels delicious; muscles open, lymphatics drain.”
It’s Fun!
“It’s hard not to smile while bouncing. Rhythm makes you feel good; it’s fun,” says Hedberg. He also steers away from pushing what’s “right” and “wrong”, like the typical exercise class. He focuses on having a good time and making sure his students do the same.
If you ever jumped on a trampoline as a kid, you can probably relate to how fun it can be. So why aren’t we incorporating this into our lives as adults?
Hedberg’s words inspired me to begin my own Trampoline Yoga regimen. The Jumpsport foldable trampoline takes about 5 minutes to set up and is a nice size for a variety of poses. Since it folds, it works for an extremely tight living space. Jumpsport’s springs reduce impact by about 40% compared to the average trampoline, making it particularly good for those concerned about their joints.
While I am still adjusting to Trampoline Yoga life, I’ve noticed improved mobility in my hip joints. Deeper stretching has relived sciatic pain as well. And as Hedberg promised, it is so much fun!