Self-Care Is Not Selfish

Reader Contribution by Katie Guerin
Published on August 9, 2018
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Life can just get too busy. No matter what age you are, not enough of us take the time out for ourselves. It is very important to be able to take some time out, switch off for a while, recharge the batteries, helping you to think and see clearer. Self-care is any activity we do, on purpose, to take care of our mental, physical, and emotional health. Pick a day in the week where you will set aside some time for yourself to try some of the following.

Photo courtesy Katie Guerin

Bubble Bath

Just before bed light some candles, turn on some nice music, bring your favourite book, a cup of tea and RELAX. Remember that you deserve it!

Face Mask

Apply a mask once or twice a week to help deep cleanse and clear your skin. Leave it on for 10-15 minutes. Lay down with some music on or soak your feet in a big bowl of warm water while you do it for the ultimate relaxation time.

Healthy Food

Making healthy food choices when possible is one of the best things you can do for your body. Taking the time to prepare meals and snacks ahead of time prevents making poor food choices, which not only affect our body but our mood. Healthy food = good mood!


Moving around is a great way to release any tension in the body and mind. As a bonus it increases the serotonin in our brain (the feel-good factor). Find an exercise you like to do, pick a few days in the week to do it and you will feel and see the benefits.

General Appearance

Making that tiny bit of effort in the mornings makes a difference to how you feel. Spraying your favourite perfume, applying some lipstick, polishing your nails. These small things can add to your mood and when you feel good, you look good. Set your alarm a few minutes earlier in the morning to give yourself enough time for those things.


Sitting alone, quietly, wherever you are most comfortable for a few minutes in the day is great to clear your head. Taking some deep breathes and focusing on your breathing. Meditation is something that takes time to get into, but everyone should give it a go. There is a very good app you can get on your phone called CALM. It is a guided meditation session and helps you to focus on the moment. The clearer your mind, the clearer you can think.

Beauty Sleep

Try to get as much sleep as possible as our bodies regenerate as we sleep. I really believe that sleep is a healer and you can see it in someone when they have not slept enough. Bring a book to bed with you instead of all the apps on your phone (unless they are meditation apps). Reading or meditating are the best things you can do before sleeping to ensure you get the best quality of sleep.

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