These little beauties taste unbelievably delicious – so much better than those fake, chemical-tasting cough drops you buy at the pharmacy. Admittedly these lozenges are a little sticky and gooey, but just keep them in the fridge and use as needed.
Yield: makes about 20
- 60ml coconut oil
- 60ml raw honey
- 1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
- 1cm piece of fresh ginger, peeled and grated
- sprig of lemon thyme, leaves picked and chopped
- small ice cube trays
Place the coconut oil in a bowl and beat with a hand-held mixer (or use a stand mixer) until it’s whipped. Add the honey and continue to whip until they are combined. Add the cinnamon, ginger and lemon thyme and mix again. Pour the mixture into the smallest ice cube trays you can find or half-fill larger ones – you want to create bite-sized lozenges.
Freeze for about 40 minutes until they’re hard. Pop them out of the ice cube trays and store in an airtight container in the fridge until needed. These lozenges will keep in the fridge for up to 10 days.
Cover courtesy of Kyle Books
More from The Art of Herbs for Health:
The Art of Herbs for Healthby Rebecca Sullivan © 2018 Kyle Books, Photographs © 2018 Nassima Rothacker, Illustrations © 2018 Chrissy Lau. No images may be used, in print or electronically, without written consent from the publisher.
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