Herbal Remedies for Headaches

By Staff
Published on December 21, 2012

Herbal Remedies for Headaches

Try these herbal remedies for relief from different types of headaches. 

By Michael Castleman 

Biofeedback has been shown to help control both tension headaches and migraines. It reduces the muscle tension that causes tension headaches and the blood vessel contractions and dilations that trigger migraines. Migraines may be triggered by food intolerances. An elimination diet may help.

Herb Form Best For Dose How It Works 
Willow bark
(Salix spp.)
Powdered barkTension headaches2 teaspoons powdered bark per cup of water; simmer at a low boil for 10 minutes. Drink up to 3 cups daily.Willow bark is herbal aspirin.
(Mentha ×piperita)
Essential oilTension headachesa few drops of essential oilMassaged into the temples, relieves the muscle tension that causes tension headaches.
(Tenacetum parthenium)
Freeze-dried leafMigraine headaches82 mg per day as neededMinimizes blood vessel constriction and dilation that causes migraines, and reduces the production of the compounds involved in pain (prostaglandins).

San Francisco health writer Michael Castleman is the author of 11 consumer health books. 

Click here for the main article, Ask the Doctor: Herbs for Headaches.

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