DIY Essential Oil Perfume (Video)
Make this simple, non-synthetic essential oil perfume for special occasions or day-to-day use.
By Gina DeBacker
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Most store-bought perfumes are laden with synthetic fragrances that are derived from petroleum byproducts, which can irritate your skin. Luckily, you don’t have to rely on synthetic chemicals to smell good! Create your own natural perfumes with only three simple ingredients: essential oils, natural alcohol and distilled (or boiled) water. Choosing which essential oils to use in your DIY perfume can be more art than science. Differentiate between base notes (the heaviest scent in a perfume that take the longest time to evaporate), middle notes (scents that soften the potency of base notes) and top notes (the strongest smelling scent in a perfume that adds a burst of drama). Then mix together similar-scented oils, such as woodsy scents or floral scents, to create a perfume that leaves you smelling great for a night on the town.
More on Essential Oils from Mother Earth Living
• Homemade Perfume Recipe
• Make Fragrant Essential Oil Blends
• Essential Oil Blends for Men
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