In The News: The Run for Naturopathic Medicine Awareness

Reader Contribution by Samantha Collins
Published on March 18, 2011
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He did it once and now he is going to do it again, but this time for a more natural cause. Dr. Dennis Godby, ND plans to run across the country, from San Francisco to Bridgeport, Conneticut, (that’s 3,258 miles!) in only 123 days. He’s doing it in the name of natural medicine. He hopes that his four-month, 90-city journey will promote awareness of naturopathic medicine in the United States.

What is naturopathic medicine you may ask? According to The Run’s website, naturopathic medicine is an alternative, natural approach to improving a person’s health through “stimulation, increase, and support of the person’s inherent healing capacity.” Naturopathic doctors don’t only look at the source of the pain or illness, but rather, he or she works the entire body to help the person heal. Naturopathic medicine has six underlying principles:

1. First do not harm: Only use treatment that is needed

2. The healing power of nature: Let the body heal naturally

3. Indentify and treat the cause: Look beyond the illness to the root of the problem

4. Doctor as teacher: Educate patients to improve health through natural ways

5. Treat the whole person: See the patient’s body as an integrated process

6. Prevention: Focus on overall health

According to Godby, naturopathic medicine is still fairly unknown to many Americans. He said he hoped that his run will help Americans become more aware of alternative health care options.

Don’t worry; the 54-year-old Godby doesn’t plan to run this cross-country adventure alone. His two sons, a nephew and a few others plan to join him. According to their itinerary, they plan to run an average of about 30 miles a day, at a pace of one mile per 11 minutes. However, Godby said that the runners would take a break every five to six miles. The group will start running in late July and end in early November while taking stop on the way in mutliple cities to promote their cause. See if they are visiting your city here.

If you’re interested in joining the run be sure to check out The Run’s website for registration information. Or, if you don’t feel like running more than 3,000 miles, you can always donate to their cause at the website.

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