Green Festival Seattle!

Reader Contribution by Jessica Kellner and Editor
Published on May 17, 2011

I’m sorry to say I haven’t posted a blog since my last one asking y’all to visit us at the San Francisco Green Festival–and now it’s already time for the Seattle Green Festival, which is coming up this weekend! I’ll be speaking at the Mother Earth News Pavilion at 2:00 Sunday afternoon, and we’ll be chatting with readers and selling subscriptions all weekend. If you live in the Seattle area, I hope you can visit us!

If you live in the Seattle area, you’ll also definitely want to attend our upcomingMother Earth News Fair at the Puyallup Fairgrounds June 4 and 5. All of our magazines–Natural Home & Garden, Mother Earth News, The Herb Companion, The Utne Reader, Grit and Farm Collector–will be represented. The first Fair outside Pittsburgh last fall was such a blast. Join us for natural building workshops (you can put up a straw-bale wall on site!), sheepdog demonstrations, alpaca wool-spinning, home canning, seed swapping and much, much more.

Washington, I’ll see you this weekend!

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