Making incense at home is easy using this Frankincense and Lavender Incense recipe.
Frankincense and Lavender Incense Recipe
• 1/4 ounce frankincense
• 1/4 ounce ground cinnamon
• 1 ounce lavender
• 1 ounce rosemary
• 1/2 ounce sandalwood
This incense should be used in combination with the Charcoal Briquettes Incense recipe. To use, place a briquette in a fireproof bowl or burner, light one corner, and sprinkle loose incense over the slow-burning coal.
Sandy Maine is the founder and owner of Sunfeather Herbal Soap Company, an exceptionally fragrant mail-order company based in the Adirondack Mountains of New York.
Read more about making incense: Making Herbal Incense.