Do Yoga with Your Kids!

Reader Contribution by Faith Moser
Published on April 27, 2011
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Faith Moser is the creator of eco ike {organic baby t’s + cookbooks full of yummy, healthy and quick recipes for kids and grown-ups}! If you want your little tots to dress green or eat green, visit

Bend, twist and turn upside down for a happy baby and healthy child!

When kids do yoga, it helps them develop flexibility, balance and coordination. It’s a wonderful non-competitive exercise that strengthens their confidence and concentration, as well as their body.

Getting children to sit (or stand) still long enough to teach them yoga is not always easy. As a mom with two enthusiastic yogis, here are the tips that work with my tykes: 

Release expectations and go with the flow. With limited attention spans and children embracing some positions and rejecting others, the practice will be spontaneous and collaborative. Allow the experience to flow in whatever direction the little ones want.

Be creative. Children love animals and nature; teach them to stretch like a dog, fly like an eagle, stand strong like a tree. Assign names to the poses to encourage imitation. Allow them to tell you what the positions remind them of. The more creative you are in describing and acting out the poses, the more likely they will want to participate.

Play music. A little music in the background is a great way to keep excitement and momentum going. 

Get silly. Meow during cat pose, moo during cow and hiss in cobra. If you keep the silly factor high while still getting in the correct positioning, you will keep children’s attention.

Be encouraging. Yoga embraces positive thinking and there is no better way to pass on that affirmative feeling than praising your little yogi! Tell your little ones that it was a job well done. It fosters a healthy and happy connection to yoga. 


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