Making incense at home is easy using this Charcoal Briquettes Incense recipe.
Charcoal Briquettes Incense Recipe
• 6 cups charcoal (preferably willow)
• 1/4 cup tragacanth
• 1/2 cup sandalwood powder
• 5 cups water
• 1/8 cup potassium nitrate
Grind charcoal and mix well with tragacanth and sandalwood powder.
In a separate container, combine water and potassium nitrate and mix thoroughly with dry ingredients. Pat into mini-muffin molds or candy molds, or place in a rectangular pan and score into bricks. Leave in a dry, airy place for two days.
Sandy Maine is the founder and owner of Sunfeather Herbal Soap Company, an exceptionally fragrant mail-order company based in the Adirondack Mountains of New York.
Read more about making incense: Making Herbal Incense.