Make this Homemade Incense recipe to use as a handcrafted herbal gift for family and friends this holiday
Homemade Incense Recipe
The burning of fragrant plant material is a ritual as old as
humankind. It was done to bring us closer to a higher power, to
protect us from harm, and as a vehicle to lift our prayers to the
heavens. Whether it was pine pitch, frankincense, juniper, or sage,
all cultures employed this ceremony to mark this special season of
the return to light.
To make, mix equal parts of cinnamon powder, allspice, pine
needles, and frankincense and sprinkle over a charcoal incense
burner or atop a wood stove.
Mindy Green is an herbalist, aromatherapist, educator, and writer. She is also an esthetician, a consultant to the
natural products industry, and director of education at the Herb Research Foundation in Boulder, Colorado. She is the author
of Calendula (Keats, 1998), Natural Perfumes (Interweave, 1999), and co-author of
Aromatherapy: A Complete Guide to the Healing Art (The Crossing Press, 1995).
Read more about making herbal holiday gifts: Homemade Holiday
Gifts: Herb and Aromatherapy Recipes.