Ronald Wolf

Ronald Wolf

ron wolf bio photoOccupation: Civil Engineer Student

Current Place of Residence: Europe

Growing up on a village helped me become what I am today. Constantly surrounded by nature and animals my curiosity was satisfied. In my teen years I moved to a city and started helping out at my dad’s construction company. This is how I got the idea to become a civil engineer. Since then constantly studying and finding new projects to work on has taken almost all of my time. Buy hey that’s what I love doing so it’s not hard!

Current Projects:

Last month I was making a hanging garden for my girlfriends terrace so I decided to write an article on it. Also I have experience in landscaping and building gardening sheds.

One of my more serious projects is building a cabin for my friend. It’s a small 6×3 meters cabin with a small mezzanine for a two person bed. As the cabin is built on a slope one side is supported by metal pillars that are dug into the ground. The next step is getting running water and electricity to the cabin.

For the garden I used the raised beds technique since it basically evens out the ground.

As I’m getting close to finishing my studies I hope to have more and more serious projects.

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